The Third Embrace
dyutiman Mukhopadhyay Website
I try to synthesise key concepts of the Indian aesthetic philosophy of detached passion in my photography (and in my art in general). Dream, desire, longing, separation, love, lust, death, illusion, obsession, delusion, faith, fate, and liberation — their inherent contradictions and commonalities — are my primary motifs.
‘Film is 24 lies per second at the service of truth’
—Michael Haneke, 2005
Art as experimental stimuli in cognitive aesthetics and cultural psychology.
Teaching Excerpts / Outputs
University College London, University of Cambridge, and Srishti Manipal Institute, Bangalore, India.
essays & science publications
Essays on art, experience, and God.
Publications in cognitive sciences.
Publications in biomedical sciences.
Sleep! my crying poems—
Sleep! sleep for now!
Sleep! till the Moon calls you at dawn . . .